Monday, 28 June 2010

Fablamaca T-shirts Are Ready!

Finally! Where is my 10.000th visitor?!

The t-shirts that I promised for my loyal readers are finally ready. You might ask why I say "t-shirts" because the promised prize was for the 10.000th visitor only. I changed my mind. There was a comment for the post that I was looking for the 10.000th visitor, asking: 

Eddie Ferrero said... "Anything for being the 10,001st visitor Fatih? Also, do you know Gevende?"

Eddie is a good friend of mine and also my first "Couch Surfing Host". It really touched me when he asked "anything for being the 10.001st" and I thought "why not?" He will be getting a t-shirt as well as Malika the 10.000th visitor. But I don't know about Gevende, Eddie. What does Gevende mean?!

Are you curious about the t-shirts? I thought so! Thanks to Kasia ( and her brilliant idea, we took lovely pictures of them:

Malika! Eddie! If I can get the addresses, t-shirts are ready to be posted, waiting for their owners. 

The t-shirts are desinged and produced completely by me. Primark wanted to be the sponsor for the garments, so I didn't refuse them. 

As you see my dear readers. Be proud of this privilege of being a reader of Fablamaca and who knows, you might be rewarded as well!

Thanks for watching;


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